Stephanie VelezComment


Stephanie VelezComment

Vulnerable. Have you ever felt vulnerable? It is almost as if you’re a direct target for heart break. We often avoid situations where we are exposed and completely transparent before others. The fear of being hurt weighs more than would “could be” and we settle for comfort instead of courage. The synonyms for vulnerability are “weak” and ”powerless," but I propose a different definition. To be vulnerable is to have power. It is to have strength and gain fearlessness. Often times we shut doors that were meant to be open because we would rather linger in our comfort and ignore our calling. 

What would it look like if we were fearless? –Ready to walk with boldness and embrace adversity–Could it be that our greatest enemy is not present troubles or the daily afflictions of life, but ourselves? We are the problem. Our fear screams louder than our courage. Our minds spread negativity like wildfire. Our doubts are the dictators of our lives. I was there. Stuck in my comfort and drenched in my fears. I realized I will never be who God has purposed me to be if all I cared about was not being hurt. The reality is you will get hurt. You will fall flat on your face and others may not love you. The truth is your approval and acceptance come from the Father. His love for you will not run dry. If God is the one accepting you then no one can truly exclude you. 

Here’s my proposition: Be daring. Be bold. Seek adventure and more importantly listen for guidance. God's voice is our compass. It will steer us in the perfect direction. Don't fret if resistance comes your way. Often times the right direction will bring resistance. Pursue your vulnerability and chase away your fears. He is with you. 

You are fearless! 


