To be Free
Free. To be truly free! Free of insecurities, negative habits and attitudes. So lost in freedom that I don't even remember what fear looks like. That is the goal. What would it look like to see women walk free of their insecurities with full knowledge of who they are? For the past days I've been stuck on these thoughts.For the first time in forever I truly feel empowered simply by the idea of being a better version of myself. Let your security in Christ scream louder than your insecurity. How does this even begin to set in motion? Where and with whom you spend most of your time will determine your thought process. Your thought process will then produce action.. Whether its positive or negative. Your surroundings have will an effect on what you do. What’s the first step? Lets go straight to the word:
21 Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, 22 throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. 23 Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. 24 Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.
Ephesians 4:21-24
Whats the point? Well.. it says “let the spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes”. Spending time in His presence can ultimately change the course of your action. It will transform they way you think. Pastor Becaca Turner said somthing so true, "When our indentity is challenged He wants to remind us who we are and who He is". He brings confidence and a full sense of identity. I confidently challenge you to surround yourself with people who have this goal. Girls who desire nothing more than to be like Jesus. I guarantee you that with time spent in His presence and a positive group of girls your life will begin to be free of insecurities, negative habits and attitudes. Some people are free physically, but bound by their thoughts. You were created to be free! Freedom is here! Walk in freedom!
You are free!
Top: Forever 21
Shorts: Thrifted
Sandals: Topshop- The office ( similar version bellow)