Maintenance. All humans need matinence. Our lives require an system update. We tend to be careless and let ourselves go in various areas. Whether it be our phsycial appearence or even our heart. I've come to the conclusion that if even technology needs updates to continue to function how much to living humans do?
Recently I've been pondering on the idea of carelessness. We as mere humans become stagnant with self care. This leads to a decrease in confidence and self esteem. Don't mistake the intention of my heart.. the outward isn't the pivotal focus of our lives, but it is a great indicator of our inward care. We often lack the energy to take care of our mind and spirit. I like to call this a system update because we can clear out what doesn't work anymore and renew our minds with fresh perspective. How do we do this? A relatioship with the God, a commitment to reading His word & spending time with Him. That in itself is a system update that should occur daily.
Just the same outwardly we must take the time to care for ourselves. If you feel unhappy with your hair...CHANGE IT. If your nails look crappy... GET THEM DONE! Take care of yourself! If this does not become your priority now it can be overlooked and turn into something greater than it should be. Whether you realize it or not.. just by caring for certain areas of our lives we can alter the way we step out into the world. If we don't confidently represent Christ..what message are we trying to deliver? Will others even listen?
My only desire for you young women is that you would care as much for yourself as the Father does. That you would see the beautiful worth in your life. That you would care enough about your body & self just as much as He does. He is so in love with you & wants you to love yourself just as He loves you. He cares so much for you that he gave up his life so that your life would come to life.
You are worth it!