My Turn

My Turn

My turn. Let’s be transparent with ourselves for a second. What is our response when something beautiful happens to someone around us? What is our immediate reaction? Do we celebrate their victory or linger in envy?

My mother always stressed the importance of celebrating those around us. She’d always say “We kill jealousy when we celebrate others genuinely.” I remember countless times where she’d express what true selflessness looked like, and how being happy for others was our only option. Learning to be happy for others means stepping aside from our desires – from our need to be in the spot light, and cheering on from the sidelines. How loud is your cheer? Can your voice be heard?

We get the importance of celebrating others but what if you’re stuck in a season where everyone else is constantly experiencing blessings and you feel stuck? Truth is, I’ve felt like this often. By no means am I saying that I haven’t seen blessings in my life, but what I am saying is that I have longed for things to come to pass and It hasn’t happened. Our natural tendency is to get frustrated with God. To celebrate others “fully” but deep down to say “When is it my turn”. 

God spoke to me recently about this very thought. He said “Is what I’ve done not enough? Can you celebrate the miracles and blessings others are receiving as if they were yours?” OUCH. The truth is, it should be enough. Even if we were to never receive another blessing or none of our dreams were to come true, what God has done and what God is doing in others is enough! Enough for us to worship Him. Enough for us to put Him before everything in our lives. 

Does God want to bless us? HECK YES. But He doesn’t have to! His sacrifice on the cross was and is enough!!!! Everything else is an added bonus! Let this thought shift your perspective. He is enough! Let Him be the focus of your life. He has plans – boy does He have plans, but don’t let these plans become what you worship. Don’t allow these plans to come before HIM. He is first. He is enough. 

You are not forgotten! 



Photos by Abby Cox Photography

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